


Vanda Ferencz

Vanda’s works come to life in the movements of the human body: this is shown in the attention she pays to the proportions of usage and operation lying within the behavior and movement.

The main emphasis in her  final pieces and in the creative process itself is not on calm harmony, but instead on opposing feelings, the tension that maintains interest. She believes that an object’s tensional existence is based on a peculiar proportional order, as these proportions keep the task and the finished object together – both in terms of material and form – and these are the things that grasp the attention of the client. Saying no or refusal in her creations is not something uncommon.
Vanda’s creative power is persevering and passionate, routine is completely unknown to her. She always strives to maintain high standards in design, and she’s extremely attentive to quality. It’s the given task, or challenge that motivates her, as she lives within it, enthusiastically seeking new directions, and always finding the eternally reviving dynamism.

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