


Luan by Lucia

S. HEGYI LUCIA, Hungarian fashion designer, awarded with the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic Knight's Cross,  managing director and chief designer of the Luan by Lucia fashion house.
Her main mission is creating a balance between the internal and the external, preserving the values ​​of Hungarian arts and crafts, and the promotion of young talents. The Designer is guided by her dreams, her muse is spirituality, which is reflected in each collection. Her dresses are made of precious materials like French, Italian, Spanish lace, taffeta and silk, that confer the wearer their harmony of colors and shapes. Lucia believes that the clothes we wear affect our body and soul, thus significantly influencing our quality of life.
If she gets an order to make a dress,  Lucia always seeks beyond the  specific demand, taking her analysis further into the customer's soul,  to see whether it is really such a dress that she needs. They call her a soul-tailor because, in addition to designing the clothes, she carefully selects colors and patterns, not only looking at people but also observing them. This enables her to truly create ‘personalized’ attires to those who commit themselves to her.


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